Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Ever since I decided to follow the advice of the academic counselor and only finish my degree and not attach another undefined amount of time studying Psychology as well, I have been in the search of a job to fund living. I have 1 course in the Fall and 3 in the winter. Most of them are at a very high level of difficulty and I have failed 3 of the 4 in previous years. Needless to say my education is top priority this year, no mistake. I need to find a job that will cover all of my expences that usually accumulate to $11,000 for the 8 months (including Christmas gifts). I want to be able to work a regular, steady, well paying job - but that takes a lot of work to find.

I could be fretting since I have 3 weeks to find/earn at least $800, but I am confident that no matter the employment I gain, it'll be for His benifit and mine (perhaps in the long run).

Any leads?